Have you mapped out your customer journey? Are you asking “Heather, what is a customer journey anyways?”
Simply put, it’s the path someone takes from being a stranger to becoming a paying customer/client.
- How do they first discover you?
- When are you first aware they exist?
- At what point do they become a lead or a prospect?
- What marketing activities are at play during each stage?
Every single person starts from the point where they are unaware of you and you’re unaware of them. Their journey is how they move from that state to become a paying customer.
There are two perspectives:
- Their personal journey, from a want or need, to actually taking action and putting money on the table to buy your product or service.
- Your customer journey is the interaction between you and them. This is where you provide moments of opportunity for them to discover you, get to know, like and trust (K, L & T) you, and ultimately buy from you.
You need to understand your customer journey so you can share the right content, in the right place, at the right time. Watch the video below to understand each stage.
Nail Your Customer Journey and Get Clients Quickly!
Stage 1 Unaware: They don’t know about you and you don’t know them
- They’re looking, they’re starting to focus on whatever problem or solution you provide. They have a want or need and their “antenna” is up as they scroll through content or search for a solution.
- Your content needs to grab their attention and evoke curiosity so they stop scrolling and engage
- Your content’s purpose is to grab their attention, demonstrate authority, and most importantly, show that you understand them.
Stage 2 Lurker: They are aware of you but you’re not aware of them
- They’re reading your content, they might be actively following you but you don’t know it, hence the term lurker.
- It’s amazing how many people “lurk”! They’re reading your content, watching your videos but they don’t like or leave a comment. You have no idea they’re listening.
- This is a really important stage – this is where you’re building K, L, & T, demonstrating you understand them and creating a connection. Your aim is to have the lurkers want to find out more about you and your offers.
- Because you’re not aware of them, it is the same content as in Stage 1.
Stage 3 Aware: You become aware of them
- When do you become aware someone is listening and interested in what you have to offer?
- This is a really important moment to recognize because that’s when you take an active role of move someone along your customer journey and nurture the relationship
- There are many ways you become aware of them. For example, they like or comment on your content, sign up to your email list through a free offer, join your Facebook group, friend or follow you, DM, email or call you.
- It could be different on each of your marketing methods.
- Your content’s purpose is to nurture the relationship, continue to build K, L, & T, and move them to the next stage, a lead.
Stage 4 Lead (or prospect): They’re showing interest and are engaged
- How people become a lead will vary for each of your marketing channels. For example, a referral is a strong lead but a comment on a post isn’t a lead, yet.
- Think about what makes someone a lead/prospect in all your marketing methods.
- Your content’s purpose is to demonstrate what your offers can do for them, build K, L, & T and make offers.
Stage 5 Paying Client!
- They buy from you!
- Your content’s purpose is to provide the solution, awesome customer service, and depending on your business opportunities to keep buying from you.
Which of the stages do you need to focus on now?
Do you know when you become aware of them? This is such an important moment because that’s when you take active responsibility to nurture the relationship.
What stage do you need to focus on first?
Ready to optimize your customer’s journey so it converts quickly?
Start by creating your 90-Day Courageous Success Plan that focuses on your unique customer-getting system!
Want help? Let’s talk! I’m opening a few spots for clients who are ready to take messy action, focus on getting clients, and making money NOW! –> Book a free business accelerator session now.
Do you want some ideas of how to grab the attention of your ideal clients online?
Click here to download your free guide 15 Easy Ways to GRAB the Attention of More Clients Online
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