During my live Masterclass, “Fill Your Pipeline”, I asked participants “what area in your business do you need to work on the most?”. The most popular answer… “grow my audience”.
💠 Business is a numbers game and it’s hard to grow your business if your audience is very small.
💠 It’s also hard to grow your business if your audience is large but stagnant.
What do I mean by audience?
Typically the people on your email list, and/or people in your Facebook group or other places where you can reach out to them frequently. It could also be the people following you on Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social media platforms.
Do you have a healthy audience and you want to continue to grow it? Or is your audience really tiny and because of that you’re not seeing the results you want?
How do you grow your audience?
What if I told you it doesn’t have to take forever… It doesn’t have to be hard… and you can do it your way!
What would it do for your business if you added 100’s or 1000’s of new people to your audience? I personally added over 250 people to my audience last month with 2 posts!
5 Ways to Grow Your Audience
1. Show up – If you want to audience to grow, you need to show. You need to commit to doing it every single work day. Having a daily strategy is so important, what would showing up every day for three 20-minute slots do for your business?
Are you showing up every day with a focus on growing your audience?
2. Leverage Facebook Groups: Your Own Group – You need to create buzz in your group to build know, like and trust. Why, because the more people interact, the more the Facebook algorithm will show your post to members, and the faster you’re group will grow.
3. Leverage Facebook Groups: Other People’s Group – Be a contributor. First, pick 5 groups that have your target audience, are active and you’d enjoy daily interaction. Next, be a consistent contributor answer questions, comment on people’s post, and share valuable posts. Why, because the more active you are in a group the more likely your posts are going to be prioritized by Facebook and show up ingroup members’ feeds and the group’s feed. This is a great strategy to grow your audience, done right, people are going to reach out and get to know you. Above all, be consistent in your 5 top groups, show up every day and contribute.
4. Be a Guest – There are so many opportunities for you to leverage other people’s audience by being a guest. You can be a guest speaker in a Facebook group, on a podcast, on a summit or a giveaway. It doesn’t matter if you’re product-based or service-based, you have a story to tell and/or something to teach.
5. Host an Event – You can do this simply by hosting a guest speaker event in your group. Other ways include running a free challenge, webinar, giveaway event, or summit.
It is so important to purposefully build your audience because if you’re not building your audience over time it will shrink.
What will you do in the next 30 days to build your audience?
Do you need a new lead magnet to build your audience?
Click here to download your free 20 Leads Magnet Ideas that Convert Followers into Paying Clients
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