The Ignite Your Market Weekly Challenge’s goal is to create simple but powerful actions that you can do each week that will help you:
- Identify your market and opportunities.
- Connect with your client and prospects.
- Ignite your markets and your businesses.
It is so easy this time of year to hibernate like a bear; particularly for those of us who live in places where winter means subzero temperatures, snow, freezing rain and whatever else mother nature wants to throw at us. It is also easy to get focused on the “doing” in our business and forget to get out and interact with other important people.
This week I was walking through a supermarket and I bumped into a colleague from a networking group. When she asked where I’d been, I did a bit of a double take since I’m very active in this particular group. It reminded me of the old saying “out of sight, out of mind”. I’d missed a few events since the beginning of the year and she’d missed a few events at the end of last year. In her mind, it had been months since I’d been around.
It got me thinking about who I haven’t connected with in a while and who I wanted to put on my “let’s catch up list”.
Who do you need to catch up with? A past client, a lead, or a business associate? When will you do it?
This week’s Ignite Your Market Challenge is to pick 2 to 3 people to connect with over the next 2 weeks. Remember there are many ways to connect with someone, you can connect in person, go for a coffee or a lunch. Another more time effective way to connect is a 30 minute “catch up” call. I often use ZOOM Video Conferencing to have a virtual coffee meeting, it is free for meeting under 40 minutes, works on all platform (desktop, Smartphone or tablet) and you don’t need to spend time driving.
Who will you reach out and connect with this week? Please share you commitment below.
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It is all about connecting. this is a great challenge that we need as business people
Veronica: So true it is about connecting and reconnecting. Grow your business takes creating relationships and relationships need to nurtured.
Connecting is so vital both in personal life and business. I make it a point to do so every day, especially with my online friends and clients.
Alexandra – it is vital, it is what we use to do all the time. All of the online/virtual things are give us the sense of feeling connected but it isn’t the same as being face to face.
Making connections and keeping them alive and growing is vital to your personal and business lives. Everyone wants to be needed and appreciated. You must do the work.
Meryl – that is it – you must do the work! It is so easy these days not to do the work. To send an email or a text message and not connect a “real” level.
I try to keep in touch with people, by email, by phone, by SOC or in person. I love putting a name to a face and a voice to a printed word. There are time I “disappear”, too, and it’s always nice to be missed.
Tina. It is great to be able to put a face to name/voice. In so many businesses these days we don’t necessarily meet our clients. So great idea to have that as a objective.
I truly fall into this because I am so comfortable behind my computer and LOVE staying at home. That is not growing your business or who you are as a person. I have set a mark that I must get out and talk to two people a day no matter what. It is hard, but you just have to push out of that comfort zone. You will be surprised at what truly happens.
Julie. Great that you set a mark. Don’t set it too high because then you’ll feel like you’ve failed if you missed one or two.
For me it is about continuing to stay open to people and opportunities and to act on them. I go by intuition a lot, so often I “act” when it feels like the perfect time. So times I also have a specific goal and will reach out to multiple people at the same time for the same thing. It does take something to stay motivated and continue to move forward, as for me, the weather plays a huge part in how I think and am in the world. Thanks for the encouragement and for sharing Heather!
Beverley – I love the word “ACT”, because that what it is all about. Having the plan or the intuition to contact someone and actually do it. To act on it! Great addition to the post.
I chose to connect 1x a week with a friend I was missing. So far its been great and our phone conversations are like home visits.
Roslyn, that is great. So important to connect “in person” versus online or visa messaging.