If you own your own business, you’re a marketer! Are you using data-driven marketing? Marketing is a key to your business success; it’s how you attract and retain clients. Different styles of marketing can generate different results. So, what type of marketer are you? Are you a shotgun marketer, an occasional marketer, a trend marketer, […]
Are You Unknowingly Losing Leads on Facebook?
Has this happened to you? You read a great comment from someone in a Facebook group and you want to find out more about their business. So, the first thing you do is click on their name to view their personal profile and hit a dead end! You’re not their friend and there is no […]
Top 5 Email Marketing Mistakes Business Owners Make
It doesn’t matter what niche you’re in or whether you sell products or services, everyone should be using email marketing in their business. Are you? There is a big misconception that email marketing is dead. It’s the opposite, emails are still the number one way to building an engaging relationship with people who express interest […]
Five Ways to Create Opportunity for Your Business
“To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities.” – Bruce Lee I love this quote from Bruce Lee, how do you create opportunity for your business? Opportunities do not always come knocking on our door, we have to work at creating them. Therefore, it takes work and commitment to find those golden opportunities for our business […]
Video: 5 Steps to Create Simple Systems – a Behind the Scene Look at My Content Creation System
Are you looking for business building tips and ideas? I’m live every Tuesday at noon (EST) on the Ignite Your Market Facebook Business Page. Join me live or watch for the replays on my blog – The Spark. Each week I’ll be sharing tips and ideas to help you: Identify your market and opportunities. Increase your productivity. Connect with […]
Ignite Your Market Challenge: Capture One of Your Business Systems
The Ignite Your Market Weekly Challenge’s goal is to create simple but powerful actions that you can do each week that will help you: Identify your market and opportunities. Connect with your client and prospects. Ignite your markets and your businesses This Week’s Ignite Your Market Challenge: Capture One of Your Business Systems Do you have your business systems captured? […]