It doesn’t matter what niche you’re in or whether you sell products or services, everyone should be using email marketing in their business. Are you? There is a big misconception that email marketing is dead. It’s the opposite, emails are still the number one way to building an engaging relationship with people who express interest […]
Five Ways to Create Opportunity for Your Business
“To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities.” – Bruce Lee I love this quote from Bruce Lee, how do you create opportunity for your business? Opportunities do not always come knocking on our door, we have to work at creating them. Therefore, it takes work and commitment to find those golden opportunities for our business […]
Midweek Spark – 5 Top Reasons to Build Your List
November’s Midweek Spark theme is The Money Is In Your List. No matter the type of business you are in, whether it is online, services based or a traditional brick and mortar business, you need to stay in contact with your customers and prospects. This isn’t something new. Traditionally, businesses built up their contacts and […]