This weekend I was inspired by a Facebook post from a friend who was talking about her personal and business growth, and how courage played a role. In her post she explained how she’s learned to “be courageous with ease”.
That’s such amazing wisdom for every business owner, courage is the foundation of your success.
It takes courage to run your own business, to show up, stand up, and say “my business is___”.
How do we be “courageous with ease”? Watch the video below.
Courage is Your Key to Your Success
Above all, you’re are already courageous! Congratulations for having the courage to create your own business! It takes a great deal of courage to take control of your own destiny.
How can you take that courage and use it in your business daily?
It takes courage to:
- Show up every single day to run your business with consistent action.
- Admit you don’t know everything. It takes courage to admit you need help, and to question your mindset.
- Seek help. It takes courage to ask for help when you’re stuck, overwhelmed or don’t know the answer to an issue.
- Not be perfect. Instead of putting things out in the world we allow the need for perfection to hold us back. We worry about something being “right” or not getting it wrong. It takes courage to know when it’s good enough and to let go of the need to be perfect.
- Take action. People who take consistent, messy, impactful, imperfect, massive action see results.
- Stand for your client. For what you believe is possible for them.
- Ask for what you’re worth.
- To hold space for your client. Holding space to allow clients to invest in themselves.
- Set boundaries.
- To show up every day with consistent action. People who take consistent, messy, impactful, imperfect, massive action see results.
- To let go.
“Courageous ease” is being consistent, stepping up,
sharing your message, and charging what you’re worth.
How does courage play a role in your business? Where are you not being courageous? Where do you need to focus your courage?
Ready to make things happen in your business?
Start by creating your 90-Day Courageous Success Plan that focuses on getting clients!
Want help? Let’s talk! I’m opening a few spots for clients who are ready to take messy action, focus on getting clients, and making money NOW! –> Book a free business accelerator session now.
Do you want some ideas of how to courageously grab the attention of your ideal clients online?
Click here to download your free guide 15 Easy Ways to GRAB the Attention of More Clients Online
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