A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. – Albert Einstein
In life and in business we make mistakes, let’s face it we all do. The reality in business is that when we tried something new we more often than not make mistakes. Through those mistakes we get better, our products and services get better, and our business get better. When we stop trying new things in our business we stop growing. If we stop growing we will eventually be left behind.
It is the beginning on a new month. What “new” thing will you do this month that will help take your business to another level?
Latest posts by Heather Cameron (see all)
- When Life (or business) Give You Lemons 🍋 Made Lemonade - November 15, 2022
- The Power of Great Questions! - August 9, 2021
- Get Sh!t Done – The Power of Accountability! - August 4, 2021
Sonia says
Like Anne, I was always worried that my posts would not meet the high standards of everyone else in our blogging challenge group and so would procrastinate on topics, then spend hours creating one post.
I now just sit down and write whatever needs to come out and it’s working so far.
I like making mistakes and learning from those that point them out to me – it’s a great way to create interaction by the way 😉
Thanks for a great post Heather x
Heather Cameron says
Sonia – thanks for commenting, Letting go of the worry about things and just doing it really does make a difference. There is a great lesson for all of us in that.
Agnes Knowles says
Heather, I agree! Mistakes help us create better businesses – without them we would become complacent! This month I am very excited about spending a weekend with my mentor as she reviews my business and challenges me to new highs. Plus I am working on a top secret product that I’m really excited about!!
Heather Cameron says
Agnes – Very exciting. Can’t wait to see what your new product is going to be.
Nate says
Hi Heather,
I plan on continuing what I was doing last month and start to scale out a lot things that I’ve been working on. It’s just awesome to see the results that are coming in and when you take action, and do a little each day, it compounds over time. Thanks for the great post!
Heather Cameron says
Nate – Doing a little each day does make a big difference. Sometimes I have to remind myself of that. Just do it, is a wonderful motivation.
Beth Hewitt says
Hi Heather,
As you know one of my goals was to get the new evergreen challenge of the ground. But I plan to open up my new coaching program and expand my community 🙂
Heather Cameron says
Beth – Congratulation on getting the Evergreen Challenge going! That a huge accomplishment and greatly appreciated.
Prof. B.T. Mienoré says
In 2013 we committed to finishing the second volume of our zombie novella series, and we did that in December. In January we committed to getting the books into actual paper print, and the proof copies are on the way as I type this. This month is dedicated to daily blogging and commenting to drive more traffic to us and hopefully sell more books!
Heather Cameron says
Good luck with the daily blogging, it can be a challenge but it definitely makes a different in your confidence, message and business growth.
Lynda Lippin says
I committed to daily blogging since January, and have managed to keep to it! I also managed to get our two kindle books (zombie novellas) formatted for print, and proof copies are on the way. I am also committed to filming and posting more YouTube videos.
Heather Cameron says
Lynda – congratulation to committing to daily blog, it take work but the rewards are greater. As well getting two kindle books out. I it is amazing what we can accomplish when we let go of fear and just do.
Anne Friston says
I agree – fear of making a mistake is often paralysing. What am I doing differently? I’m going to write my blog every day and not worry that it’s not perfect – it’s a start and that’s enough.
Heather Cameron says
Anne: That is a great start. I started writing my blog daily in October the results have been surprising and powerful. The support from people I’ve never met before has been amazing.