“What is she talking about? Your “Person”?” Perhaps you are thinking “I don’t need to create my “person”! I have lots of people around me”. Creating your “person” is a great (old) marketing trick. It allows you to create marketing material that is authentic and truly connects. Business coaches often talk about knowing your niche […]
Midweek Spark: Know Your Market – Connect
October’s Midweek Spark theme: Know Your Market It was dinner time and the phone rang. I know you are thinking “telemarketer – don’t answer it!” I was distracted, so I automatically answered it. A very nice lady asked if I’d mind doing a consumer survey. In a weak moment, I said yes. Well I’m glad I did. , […]
Midweek Spark: Know Your Market – the B2C Market
October’s Midweek Spark theme: Know Your Market In the current marketplace, there are many ways that consumers and businesses can “shop” for products and services. In order to grow your business, it is essential that you find unique ways to connect with your market. It no longer works to list what services and products you provide […]
Midweek Spark: Know Your Market – The B2B Market
Welcome again to your Midweek Spark. Based on some great feedback, I’ve decide to focus the Midweek Spark on a different theme each month. October’s theme is Know Your Market. In the current market place, there are many ways that consumers and businesses can “shop” for products and services. In order to grow your business, […]
Midweek Spark: What Advice Would you Give this Woman?
At a recent networking breakfast, I was walking around the room and spotted a woman who was standing alone. I introduced myself and asked what she did or what services did she offer. When she answered my antenna popped up, as here was a potential solution for a service I’ve been looking for. I wanted […]
Do You Focus on this 5 Key Areas for Your Business?
As Entrepreneurs we always have an endless to-do list and often our minds are spinning between creativity, delivery and sales. It is easy to get buried in and overwhelmed by the details and loss sight of the bigger picture.