THIS MONTH’S WEEKLY SPARK THEME: BUSINESS SUCCESS = MATH In last week’s Weekly Spark: Do You Know Your Numbers? I discussed the importance of knowing your business numbers and introduced the concept of compound effect. Increasing a series of measurable components of your business by 10% to 15% will result in a compound effect of more than […]
midweek spark
Weekly Spark: Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer…
It is the 1st week of August, can you believe it? Have you been enjoying your lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer? Outdoor concerts, lakes and pools, camping and/or cocktails on a patio? It is amazing how fast time flies by and how easy it is to lessen your focus on your business during the […]
Weekly Spark: Identifying Your Systems
February’s Weekly Spark’s theme is The Importance of Systems and the last weekly Spark was Do You Have The Systems You Need?. Today’s topic is Identifying Your Systems. No matter what business you are in you follow systems. One key element to business success is having solid repeatable systems in place that allow you to be […]
Weekly Spark: Do You Have The Systems You Need?
February’s Weekly Spark theme is The Importance of Systems. Every business, small or large, follows systems whether they realize it or not. Thinking about systems may not be the most exciting part of your business, but ultimately it is one of the most important secrets to create a successful, sustainable business. Here’s the problem. Systems don’t work […]
Midweek Spark: 7 Ways to Start the Creative Juices Flowing
January’s Midweek Spark theme is Creativity and Your Business Success. Last week’s Midweek Spark: What is Creativity and how Important is it to Your Business? was about the role that creativity plays in business. Creativity is part of all aspects of business. It is one of the key skills that will make the difference in your business and help […]
Midweek Spark: What is Creativity and how Important is it to Your Business?
January’s Midweek Spark theme is Creativity and Your Business Success. What is Creativity? “Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought.” – Einstein I love Einstein’s definition. We all have a unique slant, approach, product or solution that we choose to share with the world through our […]