If you own your own business, you’re a marketer! Are you using data-driven marketing?
Marketing is a key to your business success; it’s how you attract and retain clients.
Different styles of marketing can generate different results.
So, what type of marketer are you?
Are you a shotgun marketer, an occasional marketer, a trend marketer, or a data-driven marketer?
It is important to be aware of your marketing style, the results you are get and look for opportunities to make changes that will generate better results.
Marketing for Results!
What is your marketing style?
Shotgun Marketing– This is an approach when you have an event or activity, and you blast out marketing content everywhere. There is lots of “stuff”, but there isn’t much connection between content and relationship building.
Occasionally Marketing– You decide to get visible or run a campaign – you post several times a day and send several emails. Then you get busy, and you go quiet until the next time you run a campaign or decide it is time to get visible. This creates a lack of consistency and stickiness, and you are not focused on your future income.
Trend Marketing– You have probably seen this on social media where all of a sudden, you keep seeing a particular post style. There are trends when new features are added, like reels on Instagram or new social media platforms like Clubhouse. There are also marketing trends like live challenges or using a quiz. Trend Marketing is where you jump from one new marketing trend to the next new trend.
Data-Driven Marketing– This is when you study what is happening with your marketing effort and your ideal audience, track and analyze the data, and make improvements based on the data.
We have a limited amount of resources, time, and money – data-driven marketing allows you to get the most out of your effort.
“Data-driven marketing techniques measure and help your recognize what is and is not working. Then you an use that data to refine marketing and improve your results. .” ― Heather Cameron
What is Data-Driven Marketing?
Starts with studying your ideal client’s behaviors – where do they hang out and when. Most social media platforms provide data; you just need to be curious and analyze the data.
For example, if your ideal client is in a 9-to-5 job, they most likely spend most of their time on Facebook in the evenings and the weekends. If you post at 2 pm, you will miss them; you need to be posting after 8 pm.
Start small – set a goal for the next week and go back and study the results. For example, set a goal to share your freebie in 5 groups for the next 2 weeks. Check how many people went to your opt-in page and actually opt-in. If no one did, that marketing effort is not working for you. If you did get opt-ins, fantastic how can you improve on it?
Study your email marketing stats – if your open rate is high, how can you make more sales from it? If your open rate is low, focus on improving it, is it your titles, is it the time of day or something else?
Study your opt-in rates -how many people who went to your landing page actually opted in? These are engaged people, so you want to get this rate as high as possible, aiming for 60% or more. If it is lower than that, then the landing page is likely not compelling enough.
Study time/effort versus results – Where are your actual leads coming from? If you spend 2 hours a day on social media and no sales come from it, that is a bad return on your investment. If most of your sales come from referrals, then you are better off spending those 2 hours nurturing and growing your referral network.
Focusing on being a data-driven marketer will result in the best return on your marketing investment, improve your overall marketing effort and get more clients.
Is what your doing now working?
Be curious and start looking for ways to measure your results.
Study the data from your social media platforms, your email marketing tool, and your website. Trust your gut; you know when something is working or not.
Study your numbers – if you are running a launch or campaign, keep track of your numbers. For example, if you run a webinar or challenge, how many people took the next step (booked a call or signed up for your offer)? Is the conversion rate high? If yes, focus on getting more people signing up for the event. If your conversion rate is low, focus on your messaging and CTA during the event.
“Your numbers tell a story; they show you what you need to do next if you’re monitoring them!” ― Heather Cameron
Do you want some help planning out your data-driven marketing strategy?
Want help? Let’s talk! I’m passionate about helping business owners take messy action, focus on getting clients, and making money NOW! –> Book a free business accelerator session now.
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