Today is Five Minute Friday Blog Challenge started by Lisa-Jo Baker. Every Friday she’s post a word then hundreds of people blog for five minutes on the topic and support each other. It is a fun way to end the week. Today’s word is Fight.
Encouragement – Is a fundamental part about what I do as a business coach. It is to encourage people to embrace their ability and create their own success. It is to encourage people to navigate all of the pot holes they will encounter. It is encourage people to take action, to believe in themselves and step into their own success.
Being an entrepreneur isn’t easy, it take commitment and perseverance.
“When you come to the end of your rope, tie an knot and hang on” – Franklin Roosevelt
As entrepreneur we need to be able to encourage ourselves and we need to build a support system for those moment when we need outside encouragement. I have an accountability partner who pushes me, calls my bluffs and motivates me into action; particularly, when I’m the biggest thing standing in my own way.
““Success…seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.”–Conrad Hilton
How do you encourage yourself? How do you support other by encouraging them?
- When Life (or business) Give You Lemons 🍋 Made Lemonade - November 15, 2022
- The Power of Great Questions! - August 9, 2021
- Get Sh!t Done – The Power of Accountability! - August 4, 2021
Hi Heather,
As entrepreneurs, we’re all on this journey together. It doesn’t matter what industry or niche you belong to. As long as we have the same mindset and goals, we can achieve them together.
Entrepreneurs are the type of people you want to associate and exchange ideas with. So by encouraging others, my way of doing this is to share my ideas.
With my ideas, I also share my experiences and I always let them know that I know what it feels like and to go down that road. This road will never end but as long as we continue to progress and strive, that is keeps me satisfied. Thank you for the post Heather!
I get encouragement by listening to the positive thinking audio programs available through my company. Working at staying positive to counteract all the negativity that surrounds so many of us requires some internal encouragement as well!
Thanks for the platform to share!
I find that encouraging Others is a big way for me to stay encouraged…putting other’s needs first and taking the focus off my own struggles 🙂
Emily – Excellent point. I agree helping others can get us out of our own way sometimes. Thanks for adding that observation.