“To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities.” – Bruce Lee
I love this quote from Bruce Lee, how do you create opportunity for your business? Opportunities do not always come knocking on our door, we have to work at creating them. Therefore, it takes work and commitment to find those golden opportunities for our business to grow.
5 Ways to Create Opportunities
1: Follow up – Reach out to someone that you’ve meet (or want to meet) and schedule a time to talk. It doesn’t have to be a potential client, it could be an influencer, a potential partner or someone who might be a great source of referrals. Meet them (virtually or in person) and talk about business and how you can help each other.
2: Develop a new offering – If you’ve been offering the same products or services to your community for a while think about developing something new that could create buzz. It doesn’t have to be complicated, it could a workshop that focuses on one part of what you offer. For example, a nutritionist could host a workshop on starting the day right and focus just on eating for energy in the morning.
3: Be a guest – There are so many opportunities where you can reach to others to provide valuable content. Anyone who is running a blog or a podcast needs fresh content and guests for their audience. Many Facebook Group owners love bring in guests to speak to their community. Look at what information your community/market is reading/listening to and see if they need guests for their podcast, their blog or even an event.
Note: I’m always looking for guests on the Ready for More! Podcast and would love to feature some guest bloggers this year. Yes, I’m relaunch it in January 2020!
4: Make an offer to your current and past clients – If you haven’t offered anything new to them in a while, reach out and give them an exclusive offer. Similar to point 2, you can offer a deep dive into a topic. You know what they’ve bought from you and you probably know what they need next, offer it to them.
5: Try something new in marketing – Try something new either in your current marketing channel or try a new marketing channel if it makes sense for your business.
What opportunity can you create for yourself and your business this week? It doesn’t have to be big. Big is great but a small opportunity can be just as important as it leads to other opportunities.
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