Are you stepping into Your Personal Power?
The other day in a Facebook group someone asked, “What are your best tips for going live on social media?”
There were answers like…
“Give value, prepare so your audience can follow easily, be yourself, don’t overthink the details, have fun & go for it.”
“Write on a little sticky note a few talking points so you can keep the Live active and engaging. Don’t be too “rehearsed” just be yourself.”
“Just do it. Smile. Be relatable. Be passionate.”
What I love about these answers, they all point to being yourself. Your power is being YOU!
One answer that didn’t resonate with me…
“1st. Make sure you are dressed for success. Your image is number one. People buy you not your products at 1st. Do your hair and make up. Smile lots.”
I agree that people are attracted to you first, but it isn’t the “image” you put on that attracts them…it’s your personal power.
When we step into our personal power, it vibrates, it shines through, even in a baseball cap with mud on your face. (One of my most popular videos.)
Step into Your Personal Power
Key points to Step into Your Personal Power:
- People buy from you, they connect with your personal energy; particularly, when you are yourself. When you show up as your 100% authentic, amazing, and powerful self, people connect to you.
- Your presentation and doing it your way, will draw in your high-quality clients.
- You’re here to make a difference. To make a difference for the one person who is listening, the one person who needs whatever you offer right now.
- Are you going out and “happening to things”, by showing up with your personal power?
- Our personal power is often something we take for granted. It comes easy to us, so natural that we feel everyone can do it. We dismiss the value of what we are really good at.
- Ask yourself daily “what do I need to do today to ground myself to step into my personal power?”
- Stepping into your power, as quirky as it is, will attract your unique high-quality clients.
- If you’re not sure what your personal power is, ask people, you’ll be amazed at what answers you get.
- When you’re following someone, ask yourself why? What specifically are you attracted to?
What are your personal powers? How can you create a daily ritual to step into your power and bring it into your marketing content?
Do you want some ideas of how to grab the attention of your ideal clients online?
Click here to download your free guide 15 Easy Ways to GRAB the Attention of More Clients Online
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