I’ve just finished listening to the book “Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear” by Elizabeth Gilbert. You may have heard of the book and thought it was only for artistic/creative people but if you read it with entrepreneur’s mindset it will inspire you.
Successful entrepreneurship is all about being creative, you need to:
- Listen to your ideas
- Engage with them
- Commit to them
- Take action
- Bring them to life – to your market
Successful entrepreneurship is about “Living a life that is driven more strongly by curiosity than by fear” – Elisabeth Gilbert. Let’s face it, being an entrepreneur isn’t easy. We all face fears, make mistakes, and have critics but success come from moving past that and committing to our work, our market and our clients.
There are many points that Elizabeth Gilbert makes in Big Magic that hit home and made me think about where I’m at in my business and mindset. One challenge that I see over and over again with clients is the struggle with the belief that their programs/products/ideas have already been done and they question if there is room in the market for them to be successful. So they hesitate to engage and commit to the idea, or they stop at bringing them to life, taking them to their market.
Does that sound familiar? I know I’ve done it. But the truth is “It might have been done before, but it hasn’t been done by you!” ― Elizabeth Gilbert
Each of us brings a unique perspective to our market. There are people out there waiting for your perspective and your style. This is true whether you are selling a service or product – because people engage with people/companies they know, like and trust. One example that comes to mind is realtors. There are many realtors in the market and yet it is still a career people enter and do really well at. Why? Because they bring their individuality, their experiences, personality and commitment to their clients and they connect with their unique market.
Another point she makes is “Done is better than good!”― Elizabeth Gilbert
This is so true and I personally have stopped myself from releasing good programs that would benefit my market because it isn’t “good enough”. The reality is that my market is looking for solutions now. They aren’t look for perfection, they are looking for help and if I don’t provide it for them they will go elsewhere. They aren’t going to wait until it is perfect. An unreleased program/product isn’t much good to them or to me. Can you relate? Do you have a good idea that is “sitting on the shelf” waiting? If yes, what is stopping you from releasing it?
To be the successful entrepreneur that I know you can be – you need to listen to your ideas, engage with them to determine which ones you want to invest in, commit to the good ones, take action and bring them to your market.
“It’s a simple and generous rule of life that whatever you practice, you will improve at”― Elizabeth Gilbert
The more you engage with your market the better your products/services will become.
What good ideas do you have that your market is waiting for? What will it take to “bring them to life” and offer them to your market? How about making a commitment now to take one of those ideas to your market within the next 90 days? Write it down and share that commitment below.
- When Life (or business) Give You Lemons 🍋 Made Lemonade - November 15, 2022
- The Power of Great Questions! - August 9, 2021
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