It is so easy to get tied up in “busyness”! Having constant access to everything has amplified “the glorification of busy”.
In fact, being chronically busy has become a badge of honor in our society. Many business owners have the mindset in order to have a successful business, you need to work at it all the time.
“Busy is a false sense of accomplishment. Stop the addiction to busy and instead, be committed to doing more of the right things!” ― Trina Gray
Social media has just amplified that by being available 24/7 with a perception you should be posting all of the time!
For one thing, that’s just not healthy on so many levels, and secondly, it’s false.
You don’t need to work 24/7 to have a successful business. In fact, I know many women entrepreneurs who are achieving exceptional results in their businesses while working less than 20 hours a week over 3 or 4 days!
How? They:
- Focus on the right things in their business.
- Know the difference between the tasks critical to their business growth and the busy, time-consuming work tasks that result in little, if any, tangible benefits.
- Have boundaries, set working hours, and have a clear, powerful weekly plan.
- Learn to move from the FOMO (fear of missing out) to the JOMO (the joy of missing out)
Stop the Glorification of Busy and Embrace JOMO!
Are addictive to being busy? Are you always looking at your phone? Feeling like you need to be doing something all of your waking hours?
Often the busy is not necessarily the right one. We feel like we are working all the time, yet we are not getting the results we want. Why? Because we are working on the wrong things, we are not giving ourselves time to recharge and be more effective.
Smartphones and social media have created an environment of instant response, where trivial things have become urgent, which feeds into the Glorification of Busy.
Do you suffer the “Glorification of Busy”? I know I do at times.
A few things I recommend to stop the “busy” in your life:
First– Audit your time for a week, including weekends. Track what you are doing every 30 minutes of your day. You will quickly become aware of when you are doing “busy” work versus the high-value work that gets results. You’ll also become aware of how often you look at your phone and check in on social media.
Give each task a value, either from 1 to 5, or give them a dollar value, for example, a $10, $100, $1000. High-value tasks are tasks that move your business forward.
This exercise is not about guilt; it is about becoming aware of what you are doing with your time.
Second – Ask yourself how you can do things differently? For example, I encourage all my clients to book at least one day, preferably two days, per week off work and unplugged.
Stop the Glorification of Busy, set business hours, and give yourself the gift of time off to recharge and create the lifestyle you want.
When it comes to learning new things, be selective and recognize what is good for your business and what is more of a distraction.
“Give yourself the gift of time!” ― Heather Cameron
Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and Shiny Object Syndrome –> Joy of Missing Out (JOMO)
One of the biggest distractions these days is…
…the fear of missing out (FOMO) or the Shiny Object Syndrome!
FOMO is real, so much so that you might even experience a physical reaction! Not only can it be associated with lower mood and life satisfaction, FOMO can be one of the most destructive things for your business.
It pulls you off focus, it eats up time, and it can bring up a lot of negative feelings.
“With FOMO, one’s gaze is set on what others are doing, rather than being fully present where one currently is.” –Sullivan-Windt, Ph.D.
Be honest with yourself do you suffer from FOMO?
Yes? Me too! And it’s time to take control and turn FOMO and into JOMO.
When you choose to say NO to FOMO, you’re choosing to say YES to yourself.
You’re choosing to focus on what you’ve planned to do for your business and yourself.
You start to experience JOMO, the joy of missing out. The satisfaction when you focus on what is important to you and your business, you take action, and you start to see results.
Here are 4 simple steps you can take to flip FOMO to JOMO and Stop the Glorification of Busy:
Step 1: Be aware when you’re feeling FOMO. Like many things, the 1st step is awareness.
Step 2: STOP before you go down the FOMO rat hole.
Step 3: Ask yourself, is this something you want to do, know, listen to, etc.? Can you see how it relates to your business growth and/or direction?
If the answer is NO, let it go and experience the JOMO.
If the answer is YES, then…
Step 4: Ask yourself, is it RIGHT NOW? Is it in alignment with what you’re trying to accomplish? Does it fit into your 90-Day Plan? Will it pull you away from what you really need to focus on? Will you be sacrificing something important?
If it is going to pull you away from what is really important to your business right now, are you comfortable scheduling it in the future?
Trust yourself, if the answer is “not now”, commit to revisiting it at a future date, schedule it, and experience the JOMO.
If after following these 4 steps it is important to do it NOW, make intentional adjustments, and integrate it into your 90-day plan.
Take control, and make a decision based on your business needs and goals. Be present, enjoy the power you have when you take focused-intentional actions to grow your business. That is the JOMO!
That’s why I believe so strongly in having a 90-Day Success Plan. It focuses your energy and attention on the plan, the support you need, the actions you will take. It allows you to experience the JOMO and stop the Glorification of Busy!
The Power of an Hour
It is amazing what gets done in an hour when you turn off all distractions and focus on one thing. I encourage you to book 1 to 2 Power Hours a day, every working day. You’ll be amazed at what you’ll accomplish when you uses these hours on the high value tasks.
Do you want some help creating your 90-Day Success Plan?
Want help? Let’s talk! I’m passionate about helping business owners take messy action, focus on getting clients, and making money NOW! –> Book a free business accelerator session now.
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- When Life (or business) Give You Lemons 🍋 Made Lemonade - November 15, 2022
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