It doesn’t matter what niche you’re in or whether you sell products or services, everyone should be using email marketing in their business. Are you?
There is a big misconception that email marketing is dead. It’s the opposite, emails are still the number one way to building an engaging relationship with people who express interest in what your business offers.
I see so many businesses struggling with their email strategy, or don’t have a strategy at all, and many are making mistakes that can be easily fixed. Are you making any of them?
1. Not welcoming a new subscriber with a “warm hug”
Someone has just joined your list! Congratulations, they’re interested in your business offerings! Get excited and share it with them. Welcome emails have the highest open rates because people are engaged and interested. What can you include in your welcome emails to create curiosity and provide opportunities for new subscribers to buy?
2. Not emailing enough (or emailing too much)
It’s a delicate balance to find the right frequency to email your list. Truth be told, everyone has a different opinion on this topic and I’m still discovering what is right for my community. I know people who email their list every day and it works for them. Why? Because they trained their list to expect it.
Finding the frequency that works best for you and your list is important but I recommend that you email your list at least once a week, your baseline email.
On top of that, you need to plan out your emails for special offers, like free training, or a big sale. During those events, you’ll typically be emailing daily.
3. Not making offers
Your subscribers signed up to your list because they’re interested in your business, your products, services and/or expertise. It’s your responsibility to provide them with opportunities to invest in themselves or their business. If they’re ready to act and your offer isn’t top of mind they’re going to buy from someone else and you’ve missed out.
4. Not having an email marketing strategy
Your emails will work best for you and your subscribers when you have a strategy mapped out that mirrors your sales strategy. What’s the purpose of each email? What is the call to action? When will you be running a special event or sales?
Planning out your emails for 90 days to 6 months allows you to focus your email topics so they lead to your special events and sales. It allows you to bulk create and automate; so you’ll save time and make more sales.
5. Not focused on sign-ups
If done right your email list is gold, it’s full of people who are interested in what you do. It provides you with frequent opportunities to offer your products and/or services; when a subscriber is ready to invest, you’re top of mind. Part of a solid marketing strategy needs to include how you’re going to continually build your list of engaged subscribers.
How are you doing with your email marketing?
Are you making any of these mistakes?
I’ve made them all.
The good news is they’re fairly easy to fix when you prioritize your email list and treat it like the precious thing it is. A tool to reach your most interested and engaged audience and provide opportunities for them to transform through your products and/or services.
Where do you need to start? Comment below and let me know.
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Great reminders, I need to go back to the drawing board on this one – especially since I started writing blog articles again, so perfect to send these out to my audience via email too!
Carola – absolutely. One tip if you are blogging is to break you blog article down to a few emails and then spread over a few months. It all more longevity to the blog and it’s less work for you.