“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” ― Albert Einstein
When you have an idea, what do you do with it?
If you dream of an amazingly successful business, it is a preview of what is possible.
What you imagine, what you dream of, can become real if you take action towards it.
You have to stop worrying about
……how to get it done.
.…figuring it out before you start.
.…what others might think.
….what other people are doing.
That’s fear holding you back.
You need to acknowledge your fears and make friends with them. “Hey fear, thanks for showing up and doing your job. I see you and I’ve got this!”
Allow your dream to take center stage and get into ACTION.
I see this all the time with clients – their eyes sparkle with the excitement of an idea, of what is possible. Then doubt and fear kick in – the sparkle becomes dull and what is possible suddenly seems out of reach, and they stop taking action. They hold themselves back by allowing fear to take the driver’s seat.
Imagination is Everything!
Remember when we were kids, we used our imagination and curiosity to play and explore the world.
Your imagination gives you a preview into what is possible, then fear shows up! Fear wants to keep you safe and comfortable. We start telling ourselves stories like, we need to figure it out, instead of believing it is possible and moving into action.
Fear can show in many different ways, for example:
- Worry about how you’re going to get it done.
- I have to figure it out before I start.
- Avoidance and focusing on “busy” work.
Fear is a physical reaction, and it is natural. So people freeze and stop going after what they imagine is possible.
Fear + imagination = inaction or busy work.
Imagination + curiosity + faith + action = results!
A great exercise is to audit your time for a week. Track what you are doing every 30 minutes of your working day. You will quickly become aware of when you are doing “busy” work versus the the high-value work that gets results.
Be aware of things that hold you back, the thoughts and actions that are not getting you the results you want.
You don’t need to know all the steps to start moving towards your vision; you have to get into action and take the 1st step.
Do not compare yourself to others – there is a lot of positioning in online marketing that may not be a true representation of someone’s business results.
How do you stop yourself from allowing fear to holding you back?
Fear is a normal thing, it is what you do with it that will make the biggest difference for your business. You have to say “Hey fear, thanks for showing up but I’ve got this!”
Instead, use your imagination and curiosity and ask yourself – What is the next step I need to take today to move towards my vision?
On the other side of fear is excitement! The moment you make a decision to not let fear have power is the moment you move into action.
Fear only goes away when you overcome what you’re afraid of. When the thing on the other side is more valuable than the fear, that is when you get into action.
The more aware you are of how fear shows up, the faster you can move past it and get into action. Imagination and curiosity can override fear if you let them.
What you do, is what is going to get your results. How you deal with fear is what is going to move from inaction to action and results!
What are your daily non-negotiables?
Do the big things that are going to be the most important for business first. Create a list of daily non-negotiables that will grow your business.
Establish your daily, weekly non-negotiables, including sales generating activities.
The only way to get over the fear of sometime, is to keep doing it until you no longer fell fear.
“After a coaching call with Heather, I often glow with confidence and excitement about my next best steps. Heather has a talent for transforming my broad overwhelming thoughts and ideas for my business into specific manageable actions that help me to share my service with my clients. I look forward to our weekly check-ins because I know I will come away with excellent advice and feedback delivered with positivity and belief in my potential.” – Carletta Shannon
I invite you to be aware of when fear is driving you actions and holding you back.
When it happens lean into your imagination and curiosity. Use them to see what is possible if you take the action that you’re scared of. What is holding you back?
Are giving your ideas and action the support they need to be successful?
Do you want some help creating your 90-Day Success Plan?
Want help? Let’s talk! I’m passionate about helping business owners take messy action, focus on getting clients, and making money NOW! –> Book a free business accelerator session now.
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